Standing By Your Friend

Helping Them Overcome Opioid Addiction

Seeing a friend struggle with opioid abuse can be heartbreaking. You may feel helpless, unsure of how to best support them. But here's the truth: your friendship matters. Your unwavering support can be a powerful lifeline in their fight for recovery.

Opioid addiction is a complex disease, and the path to recovery won't be easy. It will require patience and understanding. Here are some ways you can be a positive force in your friend's life:

Be a Non-judgmental Listener:

Your friend needs someone they can confide in openly and honestly. Listen without judgment, and let them know you care.

Encourage Professional Help:

 Talk openly about the benefits of seeking professional help. Offer to research treatment options or even go with them to a doctor's appointment as a source of support.

Educate Yourself:

Knowledge is power. Learn about opioid addiction, including the warning signs and different treatment approaches. This will help you communicate effectively with your friend.

Set Healthy Boundaries:

While your support is vital, enabling their addiction isn't helpful. Don't lend money they might use for drugs, or cover for missed responsibilities due to their addiction.

Focus on Healthy Activities:

Encourage activities that promote well-being. Suggest walks, movies, or anything they used to enjoy. Offer to be their support system as they explore healthier ways to manage stress and cope with challenges.


Learn about opioid addiction, its effects on your body and
mind, and the different treatment options available.
Knowledge empowers you to make informed decisions
about your recovery.


Learn about opioid addiction, its effects on your body and
mind, and the different treatment options available.
Knowledge empowers you to make informed decisions
about your recovery.


Learn about opioid addiction, its effects on your body and
mind, and the different treatment options available.
Knowledge empowers you to make informed decisions
about your recovery.


Learn about opioid addiction, its effects on your body and
mind, and the different treatment options available.
Knowledge empowers you to make informed decisions
about your recovery.

Remember, addiction is a disease, not a character flaw. Be patient, and focus on getting your friend the help they need. You can’t force them to recover, but your compassion and support can make a significant difference.

Don't Let Them Fight Alone

There are resources available to help both you and your friend. Call our confidential helpline at (985) 359-9815 to connect with support groups and specialists who can guide you through this challenging time. Your friendship can be a beacon of hope on their road to recovery.